Showing 3 Result(s)

How to get results

Intuitively we all know that if you want results then you need to know what it is you want to achieve, otherwise how are you going to know if you have achieved them? These are often called Goals or Targets. What not to focus on When working on your goals is important to focus on …

How to be calm in a hectic world?

The Speed of life The earth is spinning at approximately 1040 mph. Sometimes it seems that our daily lives are spinning at that speed too. Unless you live like a hermit in the middle of nowhere, cut off from the world around you, then there people and things clamouring for your attention. From the people …

I don’t need a Life Coach, I can go it alone

You can go it alone You decided that this year is your year. You are doing pretty well with your New Year’s Resolutions OK, let’s be honest, you have slipped a few times but after a break of a few days you’ve gotten back on track. After many past attempts at New Year’s Resolutions you …


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